Wednesday, May 2, 2012


'Transformation from one thing to another requires a nothing in between'
Chassidic Teaching

The classic example for the above principle is that of a seed which must be planted within the earth where it undergoes a degree of decay before it can transform into a plant.

Then we have the caterpillar which enters a cocoon where it loses its former self only to re-emerge from the cocoon as a beautiful and graceful butterfly.

Scientists have revealed that at the point of conception of new life, after the male and female genetic codes mix, there is a mysterious disappearance of the genetic code. Only when it re-appears does it begin to develop into a fetus.

In reference to human spiritual progress, this principle implies that one can only ascend to a new level of consciousness if he is ready to humble himself by realizing that he is utterly empty and as naught before God.

The Talmud relates the following relevant incident:
On one of his explorations, Alexander the Great came across a spring of water that exuded a most delightful fragrance. He followed the spring to its source, the Garden of Eden, where he requested permission to enter. He was refused with the verse, “This is God’s gate the righteous pass through it.” He protested, “I am a king worthy of honour, let me in!” But in spite of his efforts he was denied entry.

Immediately preceding the verse “This is God’s gate” the verse states, “Open for me the gates of righteousness, I shall enter and ode’eh God”. The word Ode’eh means to humble oneself, indicating that the way one attains righteousness and in turn merits entry into the Garden of Eden is through submission before God.               

 Only by gaining awareness of one's lowliness and emptiness before God does a door open to the spiritual realm. And what is a doorway but an empty space between two rooms - a gap- which allows movement from one room to an other.
Who is ready to jump the gap? 

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